Hot Tubs

Why You Shouldn’t Turn Your Hot Tub Off in Winter

As the winter months approach, you might be tempted to switch off your hot tub, thinking it will save on electricity, especially if you’re not planning to use it as often. After all, with colder temperatures, using the hot tub might not seem as appealing as in the summer. However, turning your hot tub off for the winter is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to spa maintenance, and it could cost you much more than you save. Let’s look at why it’s essential to keep your hot tub running in the winter and how it can even help you save in the long run.

The Hidden Risks of Turning Your Hot Tub Off in Winter

Hot tubs are designed to run year-round, and shutting them down during the colder months can lead to some significant problems—both immediate and long-term.

  1. Freezing Water Can Crack Your Pipes: The most significant risk of turning off your hot tub in winter is freezing water in the plumbing. Even if you drain the tub, it’s nearly impossible to remove every last drop of water from the system, especially in the pipes and pumps. As temperatures drop, this residual water can freeze, expand, and crack the pipework. If this happens, you could be looking at repair costs of several hundred pounds, which wouldn’t be covered under your warranty. A frozen and damaged plumbing system isn’t a small fix—it could take weeks and cost a lot more than just keeping the tub running in the first place.
  2. Dampness and Corrosion in the Electrical Components: When the hot tub is turned off, it’s not just the plumbing that suffers. The electrical system can also be impacted. Dampness can accumulate in the spa’s control box and other components, leading to corrosion. Over time, this can cause relays to stick and potentially lead to more severe issues with the control panel or other electrical elements. Again, repairing or replacing these components can be quite costly.
Turning off your hot tub could lead to dampness in here. A new printed circuit board is around £500 upwards, plus fitting.

Keeping Your Hot Tub Running Costs Less Than You Think

If you’re concerned about energy costs, you’re not alone. Many hot tub owners think switching off the tub in winter is a smart way to save on electricity bills. But the truth is, keeping the tub running at a low, consistent temperature (around 10°C or 50°F) will not use nearly as much energy as heating it up from cold every time you want to use it. In fact, allowing the water to freeze and dealing with the resulting damage is far more expensive than maintaining your tub.

To help with running costs, we offer air source heat pumps. These heat pumps can significantly reduce energy consumption by using ambient air to heat the water more efficiently than traditional methods. This way, you can keep your tub operational at a lower cost throughout the winter. You can learn more about them here.

5kW hot tub air source heat pump
Heat pumps like the IceSpa 5kW can reduce heating costs by 50% or more.

The Year-Round Health Benefits of Using Your Hot Tub

While energy savings are important, you might also be missing out on the incredible benefits of using your hot tub during the colder months. Imagine sinking into warm, bubbling water on a crisp winter evening—it’s one of the most relaxing and therapeutic experiences. Winter hot tub use can help with:

  • Relieving aches and pains: The combination of heat and hydrotherapy is ideal for soothing sore muscles and joints, which can feel more aggravated in cold weather.
  • Reducing stress: The warm water promotes relaxation and can help reduce stress levels, which tend to rise during the holiday season.
  • Boosting circulation: Cold weather can restrict blood flow, but regular hot tub use can help improve circulation, keeping you feeling warm and limber.

Instead of thinking of your hot tub as a summer luxury, start viewing it as a year-round health investment.

A Simple Solution: Keep Your Tub Running

The best thing you can do for your hot tub during winter is to keep it running. Set it to a lower temperature if you’re not using it regularly, and you’ll avoid the risk of frozen pipes, damaged electrics, and the potential for costly repairs. With the addition of an air source heat pump, you can also minimize energy costs, so you won’t feel the pinch in your wallet.

Even better, embrace the winter use of your hot tub and enjoy all the physical and mental health benefits it offers, even on the coldest nights.

In Conclusion

Turning off your hot tub in winter might seem like a quick way to save money, but the long-term costs of frozen pipes and damaged components can far outweigh any short-term savings. Instead, keep your hot tub running on a minimal temperature setting, or better yet, continue using it and make the most of its year-round health benefits. With our energy-saving solutions like air source heat pumps, you can keep your running costs low while protecting your investment and enjoying your spa all year long.

So this winter, don’t shut your hot tub down—embrace it, and stay warm, healthy, and stress-free!